Boston (Mass.) Times

The rumor to the effect that there is strife in the Christian Science movement concerning leadership, which has periodically appeared in the public press, and which has recently been revived, has not become true with age, but is quite as much a myth now as it was when first put into circulation.

It is quite as much out of place to talk of a successor to the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science as it is to talk of a successor to the discoverer of America. She is doing daily what no others can do,—writing letters, examining letters, and directing the movements in Christian Science with a vigor and wisdom that others have not, and which she did not excel twenty years ago. There is nothing in the position of the revered Pastor Emeritus of the Christian Science Church which could be succeeded to by any man or woman. Already Mrs. Eddy's teachings have in a large measure become her successor, and she will never be succeeded by anything else than the spiritual influence she has planted in human consciousness. We believe that every Christian Scientist in the world will agree that there is not a student of this Science anywhere who has ever dreamed of being a successor to Mrs. Eddy.

The recent change at Pleasant View has absolutely no significance, except that one man served out his time and it was not convenient for him to continue. Therefore, out of necessity, another took his place.

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June 8, 1907

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