It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I give my testimony...

It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I give my testimony to the healing power of Christ, Truth, as demonstrated by Jesus of Nazareth and made practical in the present time by our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy. In the spring of 1897, after nine years of uncertain health, I was taken very ill, and my physician said that only by an operation could I ever be well. After an illness of several weeks I was taken with a sinking spell early on the morning of June 6. The physician was quickly summoned, and on seeing me he assured my family that I could not survive until evening. I had heard a little of Christian Science from one whose acquaintance I had lately formed, and being mentally clear, the thought came to me, "Why could not God heal me as well as others who have been healed?" I made my wish known to my husband. He afterwards told me he considered it a foolish errand, and disliked to leave me for fear he would not again see me alive, but to gratify what he supposed to be my last wish, he at once went for a Christian Science practitioner. Before her arrival at my bedside I had already felt the benefit of the treatment, and was able to be raised on my pillow, and in the course of an hour I took a little food. At noon I passed into a quiet, restful sleep, and so continued for three hours. On awaking, I was assured by the practitioner that I could eat anything I desired, and I ate the first real meal for many days, and with no discomfort whatever. I steadily improved, and on the third morning I arose and dressed without assistance. I crossed the room to my window and looked out upon the world with a wonderful new joy thrilling my whole being. The sun shone as I had never seen it shine before, and the leaves sparkled and danced on the trees. "God is love" had an entirely new meaning for me, and I kept repeating it over and over again, and "the peace of God, which passeth all understanding," seemed to be mine. For the next two weeks I spent all my time in reading Science and Health; then brought to light my long-neglected Bible and began to read it with a new understanding. In three weeks I was attending to my former duties about the house and adding many more which I had long before given up.

Since that manifestation of God's healing power, our family have relied wholly on Christian Science to cure all our ills, which become fewer and are more easily met as we grow into a knowledge of Truth. While I do feel most sincerely thankful for the physical help and healing, it would be impossible to express in words the joy and peace Christian Science has brought to me, and the spiritual understanding of man's oneness with God. For all these things I am truly grateful to our beloved Leader—grateful for the truth which has helped and is still helping me to walk in the Christ-way.

Mrs. Mattie A. Perkins, San Jose, Cal.

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Testimony of Healing
When I became interested in Christian Science, about...
October 26, 1907

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