It is with a heart full of love and gratitude that I tell...

It is with a heart full of love and gratitude that I tell of what Christian Science has done for me and mine. Several years ago I took the course of training for nurses at a leading hospital in California. At the time of my graduation I was completely broken down, both mentally and physically. Then began a long search after health. Everything that kind physicians could do for me was done; I was treated for months at a time by some of the most prominent men in the different schools of medicine, both in Oakland and San Francisco; I had change of climate, electricity, massage, salt baths, and finally submitted to two operations,—all without the least benefit. Words could not describe the utter hopelessness of my life in every direction. I despaired of ever being well or happy again.

It was about this time that a friend asked me to try Christian Science treatment. I went to practitioner, not that I expected Christian Science to do anything for me, but this was about the only thing that had not been tried. I was very antagonistic and full of fear at leaving materia medica, but through the loving patience of the practitioner I was led on. How thankful I am that I did not give up, even though my healing was slow and I grew very much discouraged when at times I seemed worse than ever. Gradually I began to understand that "every law of matter or the body, supposed to govern man, is rendered null and void by the law of God" (Science and Health, p. 380). that only through right thinking could I expect to manifest harmony, and after many struggles my health slowly returned.

Through my healing, every member of my family has become more or less interested in Christian Science. Two of my sisters were wonderfully healed by it, one of floating kidney and repeated attacks of appendicitis. The physicians decided, after several consultations, that an operation was the only thing that would save her life. She, however, asked for Science treatment and was entirely healed of both conditions. The other sister was sinking from a complicaiton of troubles, and as a last resort turned to Christian Science for help, which she received. "With God nothing shall be impossible." When I think of the different blessings which Science has brought to my home, I can only "rejoice in the Lord, . . . and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness." The spiritual uplifting has been by far the greatest blessing. Out of a sense of darkness it has brought to me light and hope.

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Testimony of Healing
In February, 1905, I had a severe attack of the grip...
August 18, 1906

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