A Noticeable Distinction

Portland (Ore.) Oregonian

To an unprejudiced observer who could study all religions with an impartial veneration for the good and reprobation for the bad elements they may contain, it might appear that there is one, and only one, fundamental difference between Christian Science and other Christian teachings. The difference is easier to perceive than to state, but one may suggest it by saying that Mrs. Eddy has reduced to practice a number of beliefs which other Christians treat as pure theory. The first pertains to prayer. All religious people pray; but the followers of Mrs. Eddy expect their prayers to be answered, while other sects do not. Doubtless Dr.—has often prayed for rain. Had he ever the remotest expectation that his petition would change the weather? Ministers all pray for the President; they pray for the sick; but without a shadow of hope for results. The Christian Scientists expect results when they pray, and in many cases they get results, just as the early Christians did.

The second of these beliefs is that the power of the all-pervading Deity is available for protecting and healing human beings, for aiding them in righteous aspiration and sustaining them in distress. The Scientists work this belief into the daily routine of their vocations; other sects hold it as an abstract proposition without practical effect. It is differences like these which seem to the outsider to mark the real distinction between Christian Scientists and other Christians.—Portland (Ore.) Oregonian.

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