I wish to express my love and gratitude for the many...

I wish to express my love and gratitude for the many blessings I have received through Christian Science. My little boy, who had been going to the Christian Science Sunday School, was taken with severe throat trouble, other cases being in the neighborhood. He said he did not want a doctor, so I called a Christian Science practitioner, and after two treatments he was perfectly well. This was the first time I had tried Christian Science. Some time after, the other little boy had the same trouble, and was also cured by Christian Science. In August, 1905, my little girl, three years old, was supposed to be poisoned, and her whole body was affected so that the appearance was dreadful, but through Christian Science she was healed and her skin is now fair and smooth. During all the time she was affected by this condition, she would play about, was happy, and very seldom complained. She often would say, "Christian Science will make me all better."

Again, last summer, my little boy had a supposedly infectious ailment, but as soon as I noticed it I telephoned to a practitioner, and it was overcome very quickly. There are many other things for which I am very grateful to Christian Science, and to dear Mrs. Eddy, who is showing us the way to God.

Mrs. Emma Humphreys, Minneapolis, Minn.

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Testimony of Healing
It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude to God, and...
December 15, 1906

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