I had never been strong as a girl, and after the birth...

I had never been strong as a girl, and after the birth of my third child I became almost incapacitated for the work of caring for my family. For seven years I had the attention of good physicians, spending three months in a hospital, and undergoing two operations without permanent relief. The last few years I spent most of the time lying down, and was burdened with the dread of insanity. I could not walk any distance, read, write, or talk to my friends, without the greatest fatigue. Having heard a few words on the subject of Christian Science, which awakened a ray of hope, I borrowed the book "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," in June, I904. My attention was held from the first line, and to my wonder and delight (not knowing that any one had ever been similarly cured) before I finished reading the first chapter I was well. I immediately attended to some duties that I had not been able to perform previously; also wrote to my mother, telling her that I was well and what had cured me. Then I went back to the book which has wrought a great change in my life, spiritually as well as physically.

I am especially grateful to God, and to Mrs. Eddy for the change that has come to me, and desire to prove my gratitude by a "closer walk with God," in the way taught in Christian Science, for in no other way could I find God to be "All in all," though I had sought Him earnestly and with tears.—Mrs. Jean W. Blair, Burkeville, Va.

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Testimony of Healing
As I am always greatly benefited by reading the testimonies...
December 1, 1906

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