In thinking of the many blessings for which I am grateful,...

In thinking of the many blessings for which I am grateful, I would like to tell others of the following case, which is an especial cause for gratitude. One morning, about five years ago, the 91st Psalm was my first thought upon awaking, and as I repeated, "There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling," I felt very thankful. I little knew how soon I would be called upon to prove this declaration. At half past eight that morning, a member of my family spilled some ammonia over her face, also into her eyes. It seemed so terrible to mortal sense, that I made an audible declaration of truth,—repeating again the 9 lst Psalm, also the "scientific statement of being" (Science and Health, p. 468). At nine o'clock the pain had abated; at half past nine no sign of inflammation was visible, and all pain had ceased. A sense of weakness was immediately destroyed. At ten o'clock she attempted to read, but the suggestion came to her that she could not do so. This was followed so quickly by the truth that it disappeared like mist before the sun. She read during the day, and by gaslight in the evening. Only one treatment was given, and nothing was left of the seeming gloom of the morning but hearts full of gratitude and thanksgiving. Had I never had another proof, this alone was worth all the effort I had made to gain a little understanding of the truth that makes free.

I cannot close without giving a loving tribute to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who guides so faithfully and tenderly our journey onward and upward.

I am very grateful for the Manual of The Mother Church and all our literature. They are beacon-lights to guide us on the way.—Mrs. Bettie F. Brinker, Denver, Col.

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Testimony of Healing
It is now two years since I came to Christian Science for...
August 19, 1905

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