A Heart-to-heart Talk

The Inter-State Elk

The more I study it—and I am always ready to investigate and study—the more I believe in Christian Science. It might, perhaps, be termed the Science of Christianity; and more properly still, the meekness of Christianity.

During the past ten years I have watched the advocates of Christian Science, I have listened to the scoffers, and heard the arguments of the reasoners; and in the interim I have plodded along, intent on doing right, and have concluded thuswise:—

First, no man expects to succeed unless he at least pretends to be right morally and religiously. If he convinces the world he is right, he at least succeeds for a time. Second, having demonstrated that one can succeed if he successfully pretends to be right, it naturally follows that if he is right his election is sure. "There's a divinity that shapes our ends, rough-hew them how we will."

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