Jesus fed the hungry, walked on the sea, commanded the...

Jesus fed the hungry, walked on the sea, commanded the waves, and because of this his followers should realize the power of Truth over error of every kind. The world does not acknowledge that the sick are healed to-day as Jesus healed them, yet it is our duty to know the power of divine Love. Once, when I was facing a severe north wind, I found myself freezing because the thought had come to me that even if I did realize the truth the storm would rage just the same. Then, with many other poor sufferers, I was placed where I had to "know the truth," and after realizing the allness of good as ever present, I was able to go on my journey without suffering. This showed me that the storm was not in divine Mind, as Jesus proved.—Mary E. Watkins, Lincoln, Neb.

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Testimony of Healing
Having waited for so long, it is now clear to me that I...
February 4, 1905

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