The Lectures

A large audience crowded the Orpheum Theatre on Sunday afternoon, October 22, to listen to a lecture on Christian Science, given under the auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist, by Prof. Hermann S. Hering. Mr. Frank H. Leonard introduced the speaker, and among other things said,—

Several hundred years ago the world was electrified by hearing that the most desired thing in the world had been discovered. When Ponce de Leon declared that he had found the fountain of perpetual youth in Florida, the whole world joined in paying him honor. It is a coincidence, at least, that the revelation of Christian Science through Mrs. Eddy, which discloses the real fountain of perpetual youth, should occur in the United States, and that, after all these ages, the discovery should be accomplished in our midst. The trouble with the world has been that it has sought this fountain in a material way, looking away continuously from the opportunity within its grasp, overlooking the boundless, irresistible flood of the river of eternal life which proceedeth out of God and healeth all our diseases. While God's word is no more potent to-day than it ever was, our understanding of that potency is greater than it has been at any period since the Master was on earth; and because of this understanding, all humanity is living longer, becoming better, and having higher ideals. Even if the world has been unconscious that it is Christian Science which has accomplished this, mankind is realizing more and more that it is reasonable to contemplate God as a very present help in trouble of all kinds, and is finding that the sword of the Spirit, which both guides and guards, is rending the veil of misunderstanding and misapprehension of the mission of Jesus Christ from top to bottom, exposing the tree of Life, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations.


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December 30, 1905

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