From an English Paper

To say that the Christian Scientists are indignant at the attack made upon their faith at the Church Congress, on Saturday, would not be correct. The Christian Scientists could scarcely be indignant at anything, it seems. But they are none the less willing to refute the charges brought against them.

Lady Victoria Murray, First Reader at the church in Victoria Park, Manchester, was seen at her home by a Daily Dispatch representative.

Lady Victoria Murray, a daughter of Lord Dunmore, was herself the recipient of the blessings that she claims flow from the faith. Ten years ago she was dangerously ill with consumption and spinal disease. All other hope failing, she was given into the care of Christian Scientists, in whom she did not believe. To-day she is a quiet lady, who, in the midst of an active, busy life in connection with her church work, can spare time patiently for inquisitive pressmen. Traces of past suffering there may be, but there are no present bodily pangs. Her father, too, was cured of a bad injury. She related some cases within her own knowledge of people being cured. They were generally skeptics when they came — they came as a last resource.

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The Lectures
November 11, 1905

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