Words are inadequate to express the blessings I have...

Words are inadequate to express the blessings I have realized from the study of Christian Science. In childhood I was taught that God sent sickness as a punishment for sin. As I grew into womanhood my views changed; I joined an orthodox church, and for some years was devoted to its teaching. I was taken with a sudden illness which was pronounced fatal. The best of physicians hesitated to diagnose the case, but they finally agreed that it was purpura, and said that few such cases were reported and that they were considered incurable. In the face of all discouragement I still lingered for a year, when other complications arose and seemed to promise but one result. I had been limited to a certain diet, and during this time I practised gymnastics, tried the bran cure, in fact every remedy I could hear of was tried, including change of climate, but to no avail. The question arose, Why all this suffering, when I supposed I had been a Christian? Friends tried to console me with the thought that it was God's will but this did not coalesce with what I considered a God of mercy to be. I pondered these questions hours and days, finally deciding to my own satisfaction that no one knew anything about it, it was all speculation, and I concluded that the atheist's theory was as nearly right as any other, and that I would take my chances.

One day a friend called, and during conversation said she knew of a lady who had been healed by Christian Science after the doctors had failed. I asked her to write her friend and ascertain if such was the case. In a few days received a beautiful letter stating the facts, and it said very emphatically that Christian Science had healed her and she knew it.

I decided to send for a Christian Scientist and at least have a talk with her. She called promptly and I was ready with a volley of questions, to which she kindly replied that I had better wait until I could study out those things for myself. She, however, said it was not spiritualism, mesmerism, hypnotism, or any other "ism," but that it was the religion which Jesus taught and practised. I asked if she believed that God sent sickness. She replied, "God is Love and knows no evil." This was a different idea of God than I had ever been taught, and I felt—here is an anchor. I asked her to give me a treatment, and I fell asleep with a sense of peace, something I had not experienced for weeks, without an opiate. I awakened the next morning much brighter and happier. She brought some copies of The Christian Science Journal the next day, and I devoted all my time to the reading of the testimonies. I decided that I would get up, much against the wish of my nurse and family; and in a day or two I realized that I did not need a nurse and dismissed her. I asked for a cane and when left alone would get up and walk around the room. In a week I thought I would go down stairs, which I did. The family was frightened and thought I was surely losing my mind. I asked the Scientist if I could eat everything I wished, and she said that I could. I partook of anything on the family table, and for about three months I ate very heartily, for I had been starved.

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Testimony of Healing
About six years ago I was sick and miserable, and could...
January 28, 1905

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