Keeping our Lights Aglow

Several years ago I read of an incident which illustrated most vividly the need that each individual hold forth steadily this word of Life,—Christian Science. A traveler who visited the lighthouse at Calais, questioned the keeper, "What if, on one of these stormy nights, this light should go out?" To this the keeper replied, "If to-night this light should go out, I would receive a message from India, America, or perhaps from some other part of the world from which I had never before heard, saying that on a certain night the light was out and a ship was in danger." He added, "I look across the sea and feel that the eyes of the whole world are looking at this light. Go out! burn dim! No, never!"

As I finished the reading of this story I thought of what our lives should be as Christian Scientists, and I saw that we should be no less faithful and earnest in our work of reflecting the light of Truth, for if it means so much that these lesser lights be kept constantly burning, how much more needful is it that from each individual consciousness there should shine out, clear and radiant, its knowledge of Truth undimmed by error's shadows.

We learn through Christian Science that each time we admit as reality another power than God, good, we are to that extent withholding the light,—it may be from some one who is in distress,—one who is reaching out for just the help which we could so well give, were our lives only more true to our light. Every faithful Christian Scientist should ponder these words of the Master, "Yet are the light of the world," and should demonstrate the obedience thereto which will result in the lifting of many afflicted ones out of sin and sickness into the joy and gladness which follow the knowing of divine Love. Christian Science teaches us that only as we understand and live Christ's Christianity can we radiate its saving power and help our fellow-sufferers. We may never know how many are being guided into the way of health and harmony through the direct influence of our steadfastness to Truth, but we do know that if our thoughts are aglow with divine Love every one within the radius of our thought will be helped and encouraged.

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An Experience
January 21, 1905

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