Before I knew about Christian Science I had a very sensitive...

Before I knew about Christian Science I had a very sensitive skin, and was always careful what kind of soap I used. When I commenced to study Christian Science I stopped using cream, etc., for my skin, and used any kind of soap, and in a few weeks my face was in such a state I could hardly bear to touch it and dreaded having to wash myself, but after two weeks' absent treatment it was quite healed and I haven't had any trouble with it since, and go out in the wind and frost without any fear. I was also considered to have impure blood, and had taken sulphur tablets, etc., besides home remedies, without any permanent benefit. I used to have boils constantly, but have not had one for nearly four years. Whenever this disorder has commenced to manifest itself I have remembered and put into practice the instruction given in Science and Health (p. 153). The result has been that the boil has never developed.

I am indeed thankful for this physical freedom, but am most grateful for the awakening to true knowledge of Life,—God. I would like to express my gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her life of self-sacrifice, and for Science and Health, which is lighting the path for so many.

Margaret M. Shaw, New Castle on Tyne, Eng.

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January 21, 1905

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