The revelation of every torch-bearer of Truth has been...

The (Pa.) Scrantonian

The revelation of every torch-bearer of Truth has been opposed, but the light never went out during the long, lingering centuries. To-day, the names of Isaiah, St. Paul, Luther, Wesley, and Calvin are far above the breath of persecution, because the truths they bore aloft were too resplendent to die out in the darkness. The living, loving revelation of Jesus Christ, as caught up along the flashing hilltops of human history, is a deathless light, a kindling, saving power. The world is infinitely better for such Divine revelations. Mrs. Eddy has discovered the healing, helping methods employed by Jesus. The system she has formulated is simply applied Christianity, nothing more, nothing less. The proof of the Divine origin of Christianity is the demonstration, in Christian Science, of the healing of the sick and sinful, and such a system is mountain-high above misrepresentation, criticism, or persecution.

Edward C. Butler.
Mexican Herald.

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Among the Churches
September 10, 1904

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