
Whenever I read the testimonies in the Christian Science...

Whenever I read the testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals, the thought comes to me to do my duty also and relate how I came to Christian Science and what it has done for me.

Twelve years ago my youngest son was very ill. Although the physician had given him faithful attention, his condition grew worse from day to day. One day the doctor said that he believed we should never give any one up to die, but that man could afford my boy no more help, that we must leave him now in God's hand. With these words he left the house, and I was incensed at him for suggesting that God's hand should help my child, for I had never believed in God.

My wife held the half dead child in her lap. After a silence she said that she had heard that there were people in the city who called themselves Christian Scientists, who prayed for the sick and they recovered, and that I should call in one of them for our child. I answered her, "Don't bring any such humbugs into my home," and with that, I left the room. My wife burst into tears and I walked up and down in the garden. Then the thought came to me that it would be immaterial whether our child died under a doctor's treatment or hat of a Christian Scientist. I further thought that it was better to call one then, so that my wife could not reproach me afterwards. I went back to the house and told her that I would go and get a Scientist, which I did, and to my surprise, my son was healed in five treatments.

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Testimony of Healing
After my graduation I took up the household work
May 14, 1904

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