
I was very glad when I heard of the publication of our...

I was very glad when I heard of the publication of our Herold for the especial benefit of those who cannot read English.

It is five years this spring since I began to read Christian Science. I was at this time very miserable, a wreck, both physically and mentally. All my life I had been weak and ailing, even when I was not under medical treatment I would daily take my material remedies, and always had to diet and study hygiene; nevertheless I grew worse instead of better. I had very little faith in Christian Science when I wrote to the practitioner for treatment. We were sixty miles apart and I had never seen her, yet within two weeks I was transformed so that I hardly knew myself; I felt well and happy; I could sing and laugh, work and sleep; it seemed as if a great load had been lifted from me.

I had written to the practitioner that I was sick from head to foot, that I had suffered since childhood with headache and backache, which constantly grew worse. My eyes had also caused me much trouble; for years I had worn glasses for far-sightedness, weakness, astigmatism, etc. I had changed the glasses several times, but could never find any to suit me. I had suffered much from catarrh, throat, stomach, liver, and kidney trouble, and had an ailment since childhood which did not allow me to run or lift anything heavy. All my diseases were chronic. For constipation I had to take medicine daily. For years I had palpitation of the heart, which increased so that last winter before I came to Christian Science, paralysis of the heart set in. I was so weak, and so troubled with insomnia that I thought my end had come, often expecting not to live until morning. My nervous system was all in disorder. I was cross and suspicious. I troubled myself about everything. But God be praised: He has opened my eyes; He has shown me how to cast all my burdens upon Him; He has shown me that I am His child.

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Testimony of Healing
I wish to send my word of praise for the wonderful light...
March 19, 1904

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