Christian Science has done so much for me I should like...

Christian Science has done so much for me I should like to tell others how it has helped me. About a year ago I suffered from a very severe illness which terminated in an ulcerated stomach. I was living with Christian Scientists, but I did not believe in Christian Science, it was all so new to me. I had never heard of it. I tried to battle with myself for a little while, but at last had to give up as I was in terrible pain day and night, and although I could take nothing but a very little cereal food, I was sick the whole time, and could scarcely move about. Then I determined to try Christian Science treatment, as I had no faith in doctors. I had a week's treatment, but received no benefit, because I had quite decided it could not do me any good. The next week I got much worse. This seemed to rouse me up, so I went to a healer, and again I got no benefit. Then I felt it must end one way or the other, for the agony I was in was too terrible to endure. Then I set to work in good earnest to test the truth for myself, and at the end of the second week I was wonderfully better, and at the third week I did not require any more treatment. Soon after my healer told me I did not look as if I had had a day's illness, and all my friends are astonished at my healthy appearance. This healing has meant a great deal to me, as I lived in continual worry and fear that I should have to give up my work, but now I have no fear, for I am daily proving the beautiful words of Mrs. Eddy which are painted on the walls of our meeting room here: "Divine Love always has met, and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494).

Annie Brown, Manchester, Eng.

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Testimony of Healing
Two years before studying Christian Science I was...
April 25, 1903

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