A Letter to our Leader

Washington, D. C., October 10, 1903. Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, Concord, N. H.

Beloved Leader:—We desire to tell you of the growth, prosperity, and harmony of our dear church, Second Church of Christ, Scientist, of Washington, D. C., for we feel you have an especial interest in the advancement of our Cause in the nation's capital.

We rejoice to say our church is in an exceedingly prosperous condition in every way. During the past year our membership and attendance have nearly doubled, and we were compelled last winter to secure a larger hall, which is rapidly being filled, and it is a desirable one,—large, well lighted, and centrally located. Last week we moved our reading room to Traders National Bank Building on Pennsylvania Avenue, one of the very best locations in the city, half way between the Capitol and White House; and a large sign, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM, can be read for blocks.

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November 7, 1903

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