The Growth of Liberal Thought

Reference was made in a late Sentinel to some marked indications of the growth of a broader thought among the Wesleyans of England, and now comes even more emphatic evidence of a corresponding advance among their brother Methodists in this country. The late retirement of Dr. Pierson from the Northwestern University for alleged heresy has been followed by the resignation of Dr. Charles Horswell of the Garrett Biblical Institute, on account of criticism respecting his teachings; and the event has provoked comment in the periodicals of the denomination which discloses a decided spirit of toleration for reverent but scholarly criticism. "The church wants truth and invites research" says the senior Bishop Merrill, and he adds:—

"My heart goes out in sympathetic appreciation toward all workers in the legitimate sphere of criticism, believing much is being done to clear away the accumulated rubbish of the ages and to free the Holy Scriptures from accretions and misunderstandings which clog evangelical faith and give the enemy occasion to blaspheme. Heresy abounds and will, till God's word stands forth freed from bondage and able to break the fetters of ignorance and superstition. Let the light shine! In this work pretenders will appear. False prophets and apostles are ever of old. Destructive critics and champions of doubt are bold, boastful, blatant, self-asserting, and proud. Like Satan, they overdo till reaction comes. Honest, humble learning, with intelligent delving will counteract the devices of unbelief and bring to light the refined gold of the kingdom. Let no lover of truth tremble for the ark of God."

These stirring words will strengthen the hands of that rapidly growing body of Methodist clergymen who have heartily stood by Boston University in its retention of Dr. Mitchell, and who place their emphasis upon the Word of God rather than on the words of its interpretation by great and good men of the past.

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The Story of Eden
July 17, 1902

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