Memorial Service

A letter in this article was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: My. 290:11-31

IN accordance with the Proclamations of President Roosevelt and of Governor Crane, memorial services for the late President William McKinley, were held in the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Boston, Mass., Thursday, September 19, 1901, at 10.30 a.m.

Christian Scientists constituting the congregation which worship in the Mother Church, as well as those worshiping in the various branches thereof, spontaneously united with other Christian peoples in responding to the proclamations of those in authority, and large numbers attended these special services in Boston and elsewhere. In common with good people everywhere, Christian Scientists deplore the sin which led to the assassination of the great and good President, and unite their prayers with others for the continued prosperity of our great republic under the administration of the late President's successor, President Roosevelt, also for the latter's divine guidance and protection. With sorrowing, but not hopeless, hearts, those of our faith assembled and offered their devotions. Their desire went out for the speedy coming upon earth of the government through Divine Love whereof Holy Writ prophesies, and for the coming of which earnest hearts are everywhere praying—that government wherein the supreme God shall be recognized as Supreme, the wise ruler, the true potentate, the real authority.

Following is the order of service in the Mother Church:—

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Expressions of Condolence
September 19, 1901

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