Items of Interest

Arrangements are being made by the Postoffice Department and Weather Bureau whereby the farmers living on the free rural delivery routes can have the benefits of the Weather Bureau's forecasts. The mail carts will be equipped with signals which can be read at a considerable distance from the highways.

At a recent banquet Governor Taft said that in order properly to develop the Philippines satisfactory tariff legislation must be passed at the next session of Congress. Laws providing for the granting of franchises and mining rights, and also for the incorporation of American banks, are greatly needed.

In a general order recently issued by General Miles, the purpose of which is to improve the condition of the army, patriotism, discipline, physical development, self-respect, self-reliance, and resourcefulness are especially mentioned as being among the essential things of a good soldier.

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"The Homestead State"
August 22, 1901

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