A Thread in the Garment of Righteousness

Our Leader has said, "Divine Love, as unconscious as incapable of error, pursues the evil that hideth itself, strips off its disguises, and—behold the result: evil, uncovered, is self-destroyed" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 209).

Again and again, I have found this to be true. "I die daily" in demonstrating it and "count it all joy," for I know that the uncovering of any sense of inharmony in my thought or life is a call to a war of extermination of error,—a call never to be unheeded, or even tardily answered, for as the moments flee, other claims force themselves upon the attention ere the echo of the first has died away. The promptness and exactness of Science is astonishing and grand, and all our perceptions must be educated up to a degree which passes the understanding of mortal mind.

I have been amazed to find what an accumulation of erroneous beliefs there are hidden deep down in the subconscious thought, like so many magic lantern slides, each with its separate picture, which Truth uncovers and brings to the light in due time. The supply seems to be inexhaustible, but there must some day be an end of them if each one which is brought before our gaze is demolished and good put in its place. I am most grateful for every conviction and repentance.

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Mahmout, the Persian: an Allegory
August 8, 1901

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