A Word for Christian Science

Atlanta Journal

There seems to be a strange misconception as to the teaching of Christian Science. There is a confusion of though in classifying the so-called "New Thought" with Christian Science. Both do indeed recognize that the time has come when all Christianity and all enlightened thought must recognize a spiritual, unerring law governing man and the universe. That law, according to St. Paul, is the "law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" which "hath made me free from the law of sin and death."

One can no more legislate against, nor hinder the spiritual growth of man to a higher conception of Christian life and its divine power to heal and save, than he can legislate or hinder the development of electricity as it yields more and more its subtle force to the uses and dominion of man.

Christian Science does not say that "God is all, and evil is unreal," and then leave the question there.

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July 18, 1901

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