Polar Explorations

Six Great Expeditions in Progress.

Topeka Capital

Nearly four hundred and fifty years have passed since the first polar (arctic) expedition, in 1553, and the first half of this century's opening year finds the mystery surrounding the poles still unsolved. Whether the latter half will disclose what has been an objective of human effort for so long a period, or will add materially to our information about the polar regions, remains to be shown, but, at all events, strenuous efforts are being put forth to break their eternal solitude.

No less than six great expeditions are in progress to explore the arctic and antarctic regions, and, benefiting by the hard-won experience of centuries, the explorers are all filled with hope for a successful consummation of their labors. Added to the three expeditions under Stein, Sverdrup, and Peary, members of which are now in the arctics, there will be at least three new exploring parties outfitted for renewed attempts upon the North Pole—one Russian and two American. It is reported that Mr. Walter Wellman, who has already made two unsuccessful efforts to reach the arctic pole, intends to make another trial. But the most completely equipped will be the Baldwin-Ziegler expedition, which has been so extensively advertised and for many months past in preparation. At a recent farewell dinner tendered Mr. Baldwin by the Peary Arctic Club in New York, his definite plans were for the first time given to the public when he said, upon being presented with a small American flag: "I am firmly convinced that this flag will be carried to victory in this expedition. The starting point will be Franz-Josef Land, and our party will be sufficient in number to avail ourselves of every resource in the land in the way of food by hunting bears and other animals. We shall begin our journey across the ice with four hundred dogs and fifteen Siberian ponies, and, with the assistance of these, I believe it will be possible to achieve the object we shall set out to accomplish."

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A New Motor Fire Engine
July 11, 1901

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