Upholds Christian Science

To the Editor:—In your issue of May 15 you print a dispatch from New York briefly outlining a series of attacks on Christian Science at a meeting of Methodist ministers. The basis of a good deal of this opposition seems to be the large number of women who are being healed by and converted to Christian Science—"ignorant persons—more especially women," says Professor Weir. Christian Scientists gladly acknowledge the preponderance of women in their congregations, and would ask our Methodist brothers where the grand old Methodist Church would be to-day without the moral, spiritual, and financial support of its good women. It comes with very bad grace from the lips of any divine to decry a religion on the ground that it appeals to the pure thought of woman.

While admitting that women do form a majority of our congregations, we boldly state that at no meetings of any of the so-called Orthodox churches can be found so large a proportion of men. Do not take my word for it. Go to the next Christian Science meeting that you can find opportunity to attend and verify my statement with a casual glance, or by actual count. At Sunday services or at Wednesday evening testimonial meetings you will find that an average of thirty-five per cent of the attendants are men.

A few other statements simply cancel themselves like plus and minus quantities in an equation. In one breath we are characterized as "ignorant persons—mostly women," and in another the movement is called "intellectualism gone mad." Here is a transformation accredited to us which surpasses many physical wonders—ignorance gone intellectually mad.

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The Lectures
June 27, 1901

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