Healed after Twenty-five Years of Suffering

I deem it my duty and privilege from a sense of gratitude to Christian Science and for the sake of others to send my testimony to the Sentinel.

For twenty-five years I suffered on account of fainting fits which I have since learned were caused by heart disease. My medical advisers kept this knowledge from me, but told my relatives that I might die at any moment. These "faints" used to come on very suddenly and I would be quite prostrated for a time and lose consciousness. It was not an uncommon occurrence for me to fall down when walking, and even when shaving in the morning, sometimes giving myself bad bruises.

I consulted several physicians of standing, but none of them told me what was really wrong with me, but said that they could not do me any permanent good. The medicine they prescribed failed to benefit me, for these "faints" continued to get worse each year till August, 1899. I forgot to mention that I have had as many as six of these attacks before one o'clock in the day. In August, 1899, Christian Science was brought to my notice by my son, who was arranging to visit Boston to receive class instruction. He then commenced to give me treatment. I must confess I had very little faith in it and did not interest myself as I might have done.

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Testimony of Healing
The Seed of Truth Sown in Austin, Pa.
June 6, 1901

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