Astigmatism and other Troubles Healed

It is now almost four years since I came into Christian Science through the healing of my eyes of astigmatism, for which I had worn glasses for seven or eight years. I commenced treatment and took off my glasses on Saturday evening. On the following Tuesday I went home and in the afternoon of the same day resumed my work as a stenographer, never missing the glasses in the least. I have not worn them since, and can now read finer print than I ever could, with them or without them, since I was quite young. Before I put on glasses I was troubled with severe headaches and sharp pains through the eyeballs, and could read but a short time before the letters and lines seemed to run together. The oculists told me that I was probably born with a slight defect of the eye which had been aggravated by the scarlet fever which I had had twelve or thirteen years previous to that time, and that I would always have to wear glasses.

I began the daily reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," that I might learn how the healing had been accomplished, and as I read old troubles that had been manifested in the flesh for years disappeared; among them weakness of the back, constipation, nervous headaches, and a cough of two years' standing, the result of the grip. These all vanished as I progressed in the understanding of God and man's relation to Him. I was not conscious of the healing until I awakened to a knowledge of the fact that I was well and strong, and then I fully realized the force of Jesus' saying, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." In what better way can we who have been made free show our gratitude and appreciation of what our faithful Leader has done for us in opening up the way to freedom, than by a constant denial of error, in whatever form it may appear to us, and the realization of the ever-presence and allness of divine Love.—Mae Blanchard, Ottawa, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
Found the Pearl of Great Price
May 23, 1901

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