Individual Experience

There is no doubt but that the majority of those who have taken up the study of Christian Science were driven to it by a longing desire for peace and health, to satisfy the craving of the human consciousness for the something that is above and beyond the plane of material sense.

All have no doubt been greatly shocked by the startling claim of man's power and right to overcome every adverse circumstance; and that this is an individual work which must be commenced either here or hereafter in order to destroy the belief that man is material, sinful, sick, and dying,—the fateful error which humanity accepts as real and divinely ordained.

Being, from childhood, dissatisfied with this life and its so-called pleasures, I experienced a feeling of unspeakable loneliness and sorrow which so increased as time passed. that I felt utterly lost and without hope; while dark forebodings of the future were added to the daily burden. At times I tried to banish the sense of gloom and despair; but with each effort it seemed to increase and to become so real that the climax of endurance was well-nigh reached. The thought that evil with its myriad manifestations was fore-ordained and pre-arranged, would continually come, and at the same time the opposite thought was contending for the reality and supremacy of good, and that freedom and peace would be gained. The Truth of Christian Science has wrought such a transformation in me as is impossible to describe or apprehend save through kindred experience. When I think of the long and painful struggle, my gratitude is beyond expression. How real the evil did seem ! but I have learned that it was but a dream of the senses.

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The Chastening Hand of Love
May 16, 1901

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