The Lectures

The lecture delivered by Edward A. Kimball at Lock-port last Sunday afternoon (October 6), was well attended. Norton's Opera House was filled with an intensely attentive andience, the subject discussed being "The Cause and Cure of Disease from the Standpoint of Christian Science." There was no attraction in music or specially gifted oratory to bring people from Joliet, Plainfield, Wheatland, and other towns. It was simply to hear about this new presentation of an old religion.

Charles B. Jamieson, Second Reader of First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Joliet, presented the speaker in the following well-chosen words:—

My Friends:—We have been invited to assemble here this beautiful Sabbath afternoon to hear somewhat of the promises of deliverance made by our loving Father-Mother God, through Christian Science—promises extended to all who may be beset by any ill—whether it be physical, mental, moral, or spiritual. Also to have the hope of the fulfilment of these promises strengthened by hearing somewhat of the healing of sorrow, sickness, disease, sin,—of the destruction of false appetites and vicious passions that already has been and is now being accomplished through Christian Science.

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October 24, 1901

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