The Case of Dr. Brimm

Macon (Ga.) Telegraph

Our newspapers for the past two weeks have had a number of fragmentary reports as to the theological position of the Rev. Dr. D. J. Brimm, who has recently been retained in the Presbyterian ministry by the Charleston Presbytery despite his request to be released. These reports state that at the last examination of the graduates of the Columbia Theological seminary, where Dr. Brimm was then a professor, one of the students was found maintaining the theory of miraculous healing and another the doctrine of Christian Science. Both of these students cited Dr. Brimm as authority for their positions. It is also stated in these reports that Dr. Brimm has publicly espoused the cause of divine healing. The recent publication of Dr. Brimm's statement to the Charleston Presbytery throws considerable light upon his position.

Among other things Dr. Brimm maintains:—

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A Word in Favor of Science and Health
January 3, 1901

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