A Cordial Spirit

The following extract from a letter recently received from a Christian Science friend, emphasizes the growing spirit of cordiality toward Christian Science entertained by many of our clerical friends.

The spirit thus manifested, the good fellowship thus exhibited, by the brother referred to, is deeply appreciated, and he may be sure it will return to him, not void, but laden with a full measure of reciprocal love.

"We had a call from a preacher who preaches every other Sunday at the country church (Free Will Baptist) and he listened with earnest attention to a little talk on Christian Science and expressed himself as highly interested. When he was invited to attend the 'Grove meeting' Sunday afternoon to listen to the Lesson-Sermon, he suggested that the Christian Science meeting be held at his church. We accepted the king invitation, and also the invitation to be present at the morning service to hear him preach. We were on hand, and he kindly came down the aisle to our seat, and extended a loving invitation to occupy a seat in the pulpit. The latter was declined with thanks. He preached from the text: 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness' etc. It was an honest, sincere effort.

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Christian Fellowship
September 27, 1900

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