All Questions Answered in Christian Science

It is about seven years since I became interested in Christian Science. One whom I used often to visit at his bedside was lifted up through the healing power of Truth, and upon my first visit after that event my friend read to me from the text-book of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures."

Up to this period in my life I had never become interested in religion, and had formed no definite ideas concerning God and our relation to Him; but was looking for some explanation that would satisfy an aspiration to know something about such matters.

The little that was read to me from Science and Health at once impressed me as presenting the true philosophy of life, religion, etc., for which I was looking, and I immediately obtained a copy of the book, and have been studying it since. I find that it answers all questions of reason and logic. Through that slower process the same conclusion is reached which the intuitive perception at once recognized as the satisfying Truth which directs the thought, for a rational explanation of life, to the spiritual or divinely mental nature of everything,—the Creator and creation.

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Testimony of Healing
Protected by Love
August 9, 1900

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