The Rights of Christian Scientists

St. Joseph (Mo.) Daily News

Editor of The Daily News:—

The article in Tuesday's issue, "The Rights of Christian Scientists," would seem to give out the impression that Christian Scientists are not law-abiding people, but religious fanatics and a menace to the public health and safety. If you will please allow me, I wish to make some corrections without any desire for controversy, but simply with the desire to set forth a candid, unprejudiced view of the subject. Christian Scientists, as a rule, are fair-minded people and of ordinary intelligence. They have arrived at conclusions in regard to this Science, not as the result of impulse and blind enthusiasm, but as the outcome of much thoughtful and serious consideration, and with each step of investigation have come added proofs of its utility. They have learned that Mind can minister to the diseased body, and sickness and pain be made to flee away.

Christian Scientists are a law-abiding, unobtrusive people, with no desire to force their views upon any one or proselyte in any way. And it is well known that most of the people who are now Christian Scientists have become such because Christian Science has raised them from the couch of pain and disease after all known medical means had failed. As a last resort they went to God through Christian Science, and they do not feel much like going back to material means which have already proven useless in their past experiences.

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The Baltimore Sun
July 5, 1900

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