Prayer and Fasting

The question is often asked, How do Christian Scientists regard the Lenten season? Do they deem it an essential observance, a necessary religious rite, or is it among the ceremonial practices which Christians may, at their option, dispense with?

In connection with this question, it may not be amiss for us to refer briefly to the significance of Lent among those who practise its observance.

In a general way it may be said to be the springtide fast of forty days before Easter, as a preparation for the anniversaries of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, and in remembrance of his fast of forty days in the wilderness. It may, therefore, be said to be a season of purification, in imitation of Jesus' season of meditation and overcoming of temptation in the wilderness, to fit its devotees for the better observance of the Easter solemnities.

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All Men
April 5, 1900

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