Healed at the Church Services

We have been favored in our church with many verifications of the truth of the Mother's words in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," page 291, lines 5–7. I shall relate one of our proofs which was manifest last Sunday at the morning service.

A young man who plays a wind instrument in a band, had the belief that playing produced such a severe sick headache that he hardly knew what to do with himself. After being out with the band last Saturday night, Sunday morning found him in agony. A neighbor who is a member of our church seeing him in such misery said to him that going to church and listening to the Lesson-Sermon would heal him. He determined to go and see what the effect would be.

After the service this man went around among the people apparently perfectly happy, telling how the service had healed him of his terrible pain—that it was entirely gone, that he felt just fine—free as a bird.

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Testimony of Healing
Found Peace and Happiness
April 5, 1900

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