Christian Scientists

Boston Daily Globe

To the Editor of the Globe:—In view of the recent sensational reports of the death of a Somerville child, we desire to enter into a candid discussion of the matter in question.

There are many thousands of Christian Scientists in Boston and its suburbs, and the number is rapidly increasing. These people are honest, charitable, law-abiding citizens, endowed with at least ordinary common sense, and an ardent desire for the general welfare of mankind. They have no desire to disrupt any laws that stand for the protection of the community in which they live. Yet it is true that they have their own peculiar ideas as to what constitutes a preventive of disease, and these ideas are to them conclusive, having been tested by many years of successful results.

Their theory, however, is not universal, and is perhaps only accepted by Christian Scientists themselves. For this reason Christian Scientists stand as a "peculiar people" and almost alone in their sense of the proper remedy and preventive of disease. They are obliged to mingle with those who have not yet adopted their methods; indeed, they have no desire to become isolated from their friends who do not believe as they do. Besides, their Christian influence is needed among men, and the world cannot afford to be without them.

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The "Science Religion"
March 22, 1900

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