Christian Science Destroys every Phase of Error

I was very bitter in my opposition to Christian Science, and thought its followers the most deluded of all mortals. Now I am sure that they alone have the fullest measure of the Truth, and come nearer to fulfilling the commands of our great Master, Jesus Christ.

I was born with a weak right ankle which caused me great suffering on account of being frequently sprained. In 1894 at Corrinto, Nicaragua, Central America, I sprained it so severely that four different physicians, who attended me in the different stages of my journey home, told me I would never fully recover from it, and would always have to favor that ankle. When I reached home I was still suffering, my ankle was swollen so that I could not wear even a slipper, and my leg was black and blue half way up to my knee.

My wife had had class instruction from a loyal student of our Mother. She saw my suffering and offered to treat me. I accepted the proffered aid, not because I had any idea that it would help me, but simply because I had just returned from a long journey and wanted to be agreeable. I retired at night in great pain, went to sleep at once, and awoke the next morning absolutely free from pain. I could not believe it and slapped myself to see if I were awake or dreaming. I found I was awake, and from that moment have known that I have not a weak ankle. In six years I have not had a single sprain, where before that six months would have been a long time between sprains.

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Testimony of Healing
Rescued from Agnosticism
November 1, 1900

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