Mr. Kimball at Chicago

In our last issue we made mention of the remarkable demonstration at Kansas City on the occasion of Mr. Kimball's lecture there. Now come to us reports of another remarkable demonstration in Chicago on the occasion of Mr. Kimball's lecture in that city, in the Coliseum, before an audience variously estimated at from seven to fifteen thousand people. Whatever number was really there, the fact seems to be clear that the large Coliseum was filled to overflowing by an eager and attentive audience.

Mr. Kimball was introduced to the great audience by John H. Miller, Esq., one of the leading attorneys of Chicago and the Illinois bar. These great gatherings, to hear from the lips of our lecturers something of what Christian Science is and what it is not, are among the astonishing events of this astonishing age, and bear striking witness to the fact that Christian Science in its various phases is striking deep into the current thought of the times, awakening people to the fact that along with the marvelous material advancement there is moving a mighty spiritual force.

Christian Scientists cannot do otherwise than rejoice, with the fulness of a laudable joy, at these happy evidences of present prosperity and unmistakable prophecies for the future.

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To our Co-workers
October 18, 1900

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