Satisfied Longings

My Father, God, to be
Nearer and nearer Thee,
My only aim.
Thou art my Sun and Shield,
Thou dost all power wield,
To Thee my all I yield—
Thy promise claim.

Oh, Love, Thou art my All,
E'er on Thy name I call,—
Lead me, I pray.
Thy foll'wer I would be,
All would I leave for Thee,
Thy glorious beauty see,
Lighting my way.

Eternal Life is mine,
He giveth me a sign
That shall not fail.
My spirit with His own
Witnesseth, thus 'tis known,
Henceforth I'm not alone—
Oh, wondrous tale.

If Thou, Truth, art my Guide,
Whate'er of ill betide,
I cannot fall.
Within the veil I cast
Hope's anchor, and 'tis fast—
Love, Life, and Truth, at last,
I know are all.

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Why Christian Science Appeals to Thinkers
January 25, 1900

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