Rev. Mary Baker G. Eddy, The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science

The above is the title to the leading article in the Old Home Week Supplement of the Boston Traveler, which supplement was an important feature in the Old Home Week celebration in Concord, N. H. This article was printed with the permission of the Mother and contains important facts concerning her that have never appeared before in print. The supplement is beautifully printed on calendered paper, and besides an excellent portrait of our Leader, it contains handsome illustrations of Pleasant View, the Mother Church, and the Christian Science Hall in Concord, N. H. This important publication is sold at five dollars per hundred, and can be had by addressing the Christian Science Publishing Society. The supplement will be very suitable for distribution among those who are becoming interested in Christian Science, and we would suggest a ready response from the Field to this opportunity for letting the truth be known.

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September 7, 1899

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