A Locomotive Engineer Healed

My wife was an invalid for nearly eleven years. She was sent to a hospital for treatment, but after returning was worse than ever. A friend asked her to try Christian Science. She did so, and we thank God for what it has done. She is now well, and is helping others.

For years previous to my taking up Christian Science, I had been subject to piles, rheumatism, lumbago, heart trouble, and also the habit of using tobacco. I have been healed of all these by reading and studying Science and Health.

Two years ago I thought I would have to give up work (I am a locomotive engineer), but feel now that I am good for a number of years.

There are about fifteen who meet on Sunday at my house to study the lesson. We expect soon to secure a public place for our services, and then organize a society.

W. M. Camp, Clinton, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
The Sentinel has helped me in many ways
March 9, 1899

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