I was a sufferer from locomotor ataxia, or progressive paralysis

I was a sufferer from locomotor ataxia, or progressive paralysis. I could walk but a few steps at a time and would stagger like a person under the influence of liquor, and when standing still I had to hold to something to keep from falling down. My eyesight was very poor, and I wore glasses all the time, as I could not see without them. My throat was so affected by tonsilitis, quinsy, and diphtheria that I had to undergo a surgical operation for my throat.

Mentally I was a wreck. I had taken medicine for three years, from one to ten doses a day, and had grown worse continually. I had doctored with the best physicians in Chicago, Ill., and Buffalo, N. Y., but all to no avail. I had known of Christian Science all this time, as I had a brother who was healed of a disease of long standing; but being a member of an Orthodox Church, and having learned its teaching, I thought that what I did not know about the Bible was not worth knowing. I refused to listen to Christian Science, and was so prejudiced against it that I would not read Science and Health; but when I failed to get cured, or even relieved, by materia medica, I was glad to knock at the door of Christian Science for relief. The door was opened, and for the first time I realized what the Master meant when he said, "Ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free." I was entirely healed, and soon learned my way in Science so as to demonstrate it in my own life, and oh, what a revelation it was! We now have a little flock here and hold services regularly, and we are demonstrating the power of Truth every day.—Greely Price, Muncie, Indiana.

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Testimony of Healing
A year ago I was so burdened with physical claims and...
January 19, 1899

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