We wish the Field to know—indeed they ought by this...

We wish the Field to know—indeed they ought by this time to know—that when delays occur in getting out our publications, it is due to some unavoidable cause, or some excellent reason that makes the publication enough more valuable when out to warrant the delay.

If Scientists will observe more patience and await quietly the arrival of the Journal and Weekly, instead of plying the Publisher's Department with letters and telegrams, they will alike add to their own growth and relieve their servants at headquarters of much unnecessary annoyance and labor.

The Washington News Letter of December 21 contains an interesting account of the dedication of First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Clinton, Iowa. We have not thus far received any account from those interested for either of our publications. If it is desired that dedications and other matters pertaining to branch churches shall be published in the Christian Science publications at 95 Falmouth St., Boston, it will be necessary to send articles or newspapers containing these accounts to headquarters.

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December 29, 1898

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