Grand Rapids (Mich.) Democrat

From the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Democrat we extract the following: —

Mrs. Annie M. Knott of Detroit, last evening gave the Christian Scientists of this city and their friends the clearest epitome of the tenets of the sect that has ever been given in this city. It was at the Ladies' Literary Club house, which was crowded, in spite of the rain. Mrs. Knott has been a Christian Science student for the past fifteen years and is one of the accredited lecturers, for this part of the country. She is a plump woman of medium height, with wavy gray hair, an earnest expression, pleasing face, and a clear, yet soothing voice. There was nothing dramatic or oratorical about her. She was simply in earnest. She spoke about the difficulty of meeting the popular misconceptions of Christian Science, and of her desire to help all to overcome those misconceptions. "Christian Science," she said, "is no longer an unknown wanderer. It is recognized as the angel that comes, with power to heal, and thousands who do not now see it will see it ere long, because of its never-ceasing ministry in cures effected. It is now thirty years since Mrs. Eddy, the Founder of Christian Science, who had long been seeking for something in the Christian churches which they failed to give her, met with a serious accident. The doctors gave her up, but one day after weeks of weary suffering, the light came to her. She rose from her bed, not only cured, but declaring the truth that Christ, the healer, had never left us; was with us still. She could not explain all she meant by this, and after a time was forced to seek seclusion, which converts the poet into a prophet and the prophet into a Seer. She remained in seclusion for three years, studying Christ and the principles of Christ's healing. She was deserted by her friends, was misunderstood and maligned, but she toiled on, and her work brought cures. She demonstrated that the omnipotence of God—Good—and the consequent impotence of evil was the watchword of development and life. Then she began to teach students and wrote "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"—to me the most important event in history. Copies of the first edition of that work are now worth $150.

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December 1, 1898

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