My new view of myself prepared me for the reception of Christian Science, which gave me an even clearer understanding of myself as our divine Father’s loved child.
I would stop in front of the church’s Reading Room window and read articles and testimonies in O Arauto da Ciência Cristã,. I felt that what I read was what I had always ...
Previously, I was always complaining about my luck and blaming God for all the negative things in my life. Nowadays, I am certain that I am a beloved son of God, without ...
I had always believed in God, and was looking for something that would satisfy me and help me understand who I was and what my purpose was in life. So I went to the meeting. ...
I took home several copies of The Herald of Christian Science from the Christian Science Reading Room. The testimonies of healing in the magazines inspired me so much that I ...
Our family members and friends noticed the big difference in our family, through our tranquil attitude. I understand this to be due to the fact that we are constantly ...
I am making my way with courage and confidence, recognizing that the Christian Science teachings I received as a child forever guide me in the spiritual path I continue to ...
I needed to turn away from a sense of myself as a mortal having too much to do and recognize my true identity as a beloved, cared-for child of God, an ever-present help.
Within a few days the warts had completely disappeared. While the physical healing was indeed a real joy, it was especially dear to me because it was proof that everything I ...
I felt a deep, persistent desire to understand this Science and to really know God. I wanted the kind of knowing that comes from a direct, definitive experience of the divine ...
This proof of the practical healing effect of Christian Science convinced us that Christian Science was the best form of health care we could provide our son.