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We can read the Bible to experience firsthand the power of God that is being revealed to us through God’s love for us. This makes the Bible a friend and guide.
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There was a spiritual lesson in this: The effects we may feel from another’s wrong behavior (inadvertent or intentional) have more to do with our reaction than with the incident itself.
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Humble servant

I go forth
and delighted
and exuberant
to be ...
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Live in “the reliable now”

When I do serve God in the now, I find my “retirement” days are quite full. The reward for being in the present is having lots of energy to do more. 
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We can heal challenges to our health and happiness through recognizing ourselves as the pure, reflection of God, Spirit, dispersing the mistaken beliefs that would obscure our true nature.
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Remembering the salt

When I prayed asking what I needed to know in relation to the memory lapses, God’s answer was, “Just listen.”
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Trending

In a bad mood?

When you wake up feeling grumpy and tired, is there anything you can do to turn your day around? Read on to learn how this author found inspiration that dissolved her bad mood.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down political fears

No matter where we put ourselves on the political spectrum, most of us have probably felt anything ranging from concern to outright fear about upcoming elections in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Our guest, Jenny Sawyer, has too, and she shares some of what’s fueled her prayers for government—and helped her face down fear.

God’s song

against the steady
drumbeat refrain
of bullying taunts—
the worn soundtrack
of what sometimes
feels like your life

there sings a …
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When we also come to understand God as Spirit, and His creation as purely spiritual rather than tribal or political, it becomes much easier to not only love God supremely but to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
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As soon as I reached out to God and asked for His help, the bleeding stopped.
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Testimony of Healing
I just needed to know that God had already made me perfect. I found I could be infinitely grateful for this fact and trust Him with my whole heart.
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Testimony of Healing
I am grateful for Christian Science and its healing results, dissolving long-standing issues. What a blessing.
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Testimony of Healing
No matter what we are facing, understanding the ever-presence of divine Love is the antidote.
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Bible Lens

Doctrine of Atonement

Israelites understood God to be invisible, but they expected and praised evidence of His nearness.
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Letters & Conversations

Wow! What a wonderful example of obedience to God—meeting every need and, in this case, blessing many others as well.
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As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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The value of deep roots

When we’re confronted with any form of turmoil—the swirling winds of politics, an economic drought, or a debilitating event or illness—a single tree can remind us of what we need, not just to endure but to thrive.
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Jesus said that the kingdom of God is within each of us. We have free access to heavenly pastures. 
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Man is by no means a material germ rising from the imperfect and endeavoring to reach Spirit above his origin. The stream rises no higher than its source.
—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p.246

Overcoming deception

Regardless of what appears real to the physical senses, the truth is that all that is real is God and the spiritual and perfect universe of His creating.
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If we are seeking guidance, we want to turn our thoughts toward God and gain a spiritual perspective on life.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings

Healed of anorexia

I realized that I had been hoping my body would tell me who I am or confirm something about my identity. But this hope was empty from the outset because we are made in God’s image.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Trending

In a bad mood?

When you wake up feeling grumpy and tired, is there anything you can do to turn your day around? Read on to learn how this author found inspiration that dissolved her bad mood.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down political fears

No matter where we put ourselves on the political spectrum, most of us have probably felt anything ranging from concern to outright fear about upcoming elections in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Our guest, Jenny Sawyer, has too, and she shares some of what’s fueled her prayers for government—and helped her face down fear.

God’s song

against the steady
drumbeat refrain
of bullying taunts—
the worn soundtrack
of what sometimes
feels like your life

there sings a …
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When we also come to understand God as Spirit, and His creation as purely spiritual rather than tribal or political, it becomes much easier to not only love God supremely but to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
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Testimony of Healing

No more panic attacks

With tears of gratitude running down my cheeks, I thanked God for His infinite beauty. And in that instant, I inwardly heard these words: “You have reached the summit.” I knew I was fully healed.
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Testimony of Healing
I understood that my whole being was, and had always been, totally spiritual. Nothing could compromise my status as the perfect reflection of the one perfect God. Within a short time, I was relieved of the flu symptoms, and my voice returned.
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Testimony of Healing

Head injury healed

I continued to be steadfast in prayer, and after three days there was no longer any evidence of injury, including no scar.
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Bible Lens

Probation After Death

Throughout his career, Jesus identifies himself with light.
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Letters & Conversations

Such gratitude to the author for sharing this beautiful, inspiring, and comforting poem.
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As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Consistently expressing the divine nature brings order, clarity, honesty, compassion, harmony, authority, and healing to all aspects of our lives—and is needed for the wise development and use of AI today.
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The path out of hatred

There is a growing conviction in my heart that people and places that seem consumed with hatred can be viewed with healing compassion that can melt even the most egregious forms of hatred.
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Rotation on the Board of Trustees

We would like to announce that Jennifer McLaughlin, CSB, will be joining the Board of Trustees of The Christian Science Publishing Society effective October 1, 2024.
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God never sentences His loved offspring to be on the receiving end of any evil, reactive influence. God is good alone; God doesn’t send evil, use evil, or allow evil.
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Great peace

Love flows through me with perfect grace;
       God’s light shines …
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Every question I had ever had concerning God was answered, until not one single doubt of His existence remained.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Trending

In a bad mood?

When you wake up feeling grumpy and tired, is there anything you can do to turn your day around? Read on to learn how this author found inspiration that dissolved her bad mood.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down political fears

No matter where we put ourselves on the political spectrum, most of us have probably felt anything ranging from concern to outright fear about upcoming elections in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Our guest, Jenny Sawyer, has too, and she shares some of what’s fueled her prayers for government—and helped her face down fear.

God’s song

against the steady
drumbeat refrain
of bullying taunts—
the worn soundtrack
of what sometimes
feels like your life

there sings a …
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When we also come to understand God as Spirit, and His creation as purely spiritual rather than tribal or political, it becomes much easier to not only love God supremely but to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
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I remembered to listen only to God and His good thoughts. The stomachache didn’t come back, and I enjoyed the rest of my time at camp.
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Testimony of Healing

No more headaches

Where God is there is peace, comfort, and health, and He is everywhere.
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Testimony of Healing

Painful condition healed

As I headed off to church that morning, the pain vanished.
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Testimony of Healing

Foot pain healed

Every time I felt pain, I would recall a different healing idea from Mrs. Eddy’s writings and the Christian Science Hymnal. I knew that in the end, Christ, Truth, would win.
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Bible Lens


Paul defines the community of believers as a spiritual temple consecrated to God.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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While not all healings are as immediate as those that Jesus did, all discomfort and distress are subject to the truth that his healings proved.
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I was leaning, looking, and actually seeing both God and myself through new eyes. I was realizing God’s blessing right there—discerning something of the goodness of God and seeing myself and all of creation reflecting that goodness as an undeniable present fact.
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Belief is like a caterpillar—
       crawling here and there,
then entering its chrysalis
       of faith ...
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Though daily life was a challenge, step by step I became stronger and clearer in my understanding of the ever-presence and all-power of God, good. In fact, I discovered that recognizing that good is at hand even in hard times teaches us that we can still help others even while working our way out of troubling circumstances.
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The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love.—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 511–512
Decline is a counterfeit picture of man and the universe. 
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Trending

In a bad mood?

When you wake up feeling grumpy and tired, is there anything you can do to turn your day around? Read on to learn how this author found inspiration that dissolved her bad mood.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down political fears

No matter where we put ourselves on the political spectrum, most of us have probably felt anything ranging from concern to outright fear about upcoming elections in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Our guest, Jenny Sawyer, has too, and she shares some of what’s fueled her prayers for government—and helped her face down fear.

God’s song

against the steady
drumbeat refrain
of bullying taunts—
the worn soundtrack
of what sometimes
feels like your life

there sings a …
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When we also come to understand God as Spirit, and His creation as purely spiritual rather than tribal or political, it becomes much easier to not only love God supremely but to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
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TeenConnect: Trending
When a ferocious storm hit during a camping trip, this author found comfort and safety by praying with a Bible passage that promised “perfect peace.”
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Testimony of Healing
I continually affirmed that I express God’s perfect, spiritual sight, which is indestructible and not a function of physical eyes. These affirmations slowly but surely destroyed the thought of imperfect sight.
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Testimony of Healing

A midnight victory

I realized that the chest pain and weight had vanished. That was more than a year ago, and they have not returned.
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Testimony of Healing

Feeling God’s love heals

I reasoned that God wouldn’t create a disease or allow the existence of anything that could harm His children, and this helped me to be less impressed with the symptoms. 
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Bible Lens


John’s revelation portrays a city needing neither gate nor light. The glory of God and His Son guarantees spiritual light and safety throughout this new Jerusalem.
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Bible Lens
The commitment call to exalt the name of the one God reverberates throughout Hebrew Scripture.
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Letters & Conversations

After reading this poem, I now more carefully cherish each holy word of the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly, taking care not to skim over any part of it.
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As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Truth is operating

The laws of mathematics work 24/7, and they work the same for an eight-year-old doing her homework as they do for an engineer designing a massive bridge. The law of God is the same: The size of the need is irrelevant to its capacity to help us.
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If we want to conquer the wrongs of the world, we must begin by recognizing divine Love’s allness and our inherent ability, as Love’s offspring, to endure through Love.
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To be: A conjugation

I am ...  
   that I Am,” God, the only power;
you are ... 
   His perfect, complete image
      and likeness; 
he is, she is ... 
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I acknowledged that God, Life, is my only creator and has given me, and all of His children, dominion. Would an all-loving God make our well-being dependent on human circumstances? No!
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Christian Science found me

I had always believed in God, and was looking for something that would satisfy me and help me understand who I was and what my purpose was in life. So I went to the meeting.
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Eli catches angels

God’s thoughts are “headed straight to you” every minute of every day.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Trending

In a bad mood?

When you wake up feeling grumpy and tired, is there anything you can do to turn your day around? Read on to learn how this author found inspiration that dissolved her bad mood.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down political fears

No matter where we put ourselves on the political spectrum, most of us have probably felt anything ranging from concern to outright fear about upcoming elections in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Our guest, Jenny Sawyer, has too, and she shares some of what’s fueled her prayers for government—and helped her face down fear.

God’s song

against the steady
drumbeat refrain
of bullying taunts—
the worn soundtrack
of what sometimes
feels like your life

there sings a …
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When we also come to understand God as Spirit, and His creation as purely spiritual rather than tribal or political, it becomes much easier to not only love God supremely but to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
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Testimony of Healing

Healing of underarm growth

It became clear to me how important it is to be alert, accepting only true, spiritual thoughts from God and rejecting those that are not coming from Him.
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Testimony of Healing
I felt God’s presence and was confident that I could rely on Him for healing. I knew that God’s perfection is untouched, and so is mine as His image.
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Testimony of Healing
My thought shifted to an undoubting expectation of only and all good. I was certain that there would be complete healing.
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Testimony of Healing

No more rash

By the time I had read Science and Health from cover to cover, all of the itchy areas on my skin had dried up. The rash completely disappeared soon after.
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Bible Lens


In the Bible, light represents divine presence, power, and wisdom.
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Letters & Conversations

I love how this article, with its practical approach to prayer, just jumped up in my news feed right when I needed assurance that God is All-in-all and in complete control of His universe.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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What’s the motive?

The real motives of man will always come directly from divine Love and Truth and invariably inspire pure hearts, kind words, and good deeds.
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In my work as a police chaplain, I’ve seen the healing power of welcoming in and yielding to thoughts from God.
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Who doth His will—His likeness still— Is satisfied.

—Mary Baker Eddy, Poems, p.79
It became clear to me that the type of sexist treatment we had experienced and the belief that it had to be tolerated as “just the way it is” had to be challenged for everyone’s benefit, not just my own.
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I was completely healed of nerve pain. This condition has not recurred since that visit with my friend.
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TeenConnect: Trending

Trusting God saved my life

I was so relieved, and yet I also understood how this outcome was possible—it was because I trusted God, instead of getting swept away by fear. 
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
TeenConnect: Trending

In a bad mood?

When you wake up feeling grumpy and tired, is there anything you can do to turn your day around? Read on to learn how this author found inspiration that dissolved her bad mood.
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Sentinel Watch

Facing down political fears

No matter where we put ourselves on the political spectrum, most of us have probably felt anything ranging from concern to outright fear about upcoming elections in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Our guest, Jenny Sawyer, has too, and she shares some of what’s fueled her prayers for government—and helped her face down fear.

God’s song

against the steady
drumbeat refrain
of bullying taunts—
the worn soundtrack
of what sometimes
feels like your life

there sings a …
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When we also come to understand God as Spirit, and His creation as purely spiritual rather than tribal or political, it becomes much easier to not only love God supremely but to love all of our neighbors as ourselves.
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Testimony of Healing

Severe back pain gone

Praying this way, I was able to move a little, and with every step, I felt better and stronger.
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Testimony of Healing

Free from Covid

My faith in the healing power of God and my expectancy of healing brought calmness and helped me to rely fearlessly on divine Love.
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Testimony of Healing

Healing of earache

I’ve come to realize that even when something seems too hard to heal, it’s still possible for the problem to dissolve into nothingness. 
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Bible Lens

Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?

God’s name unequivocally expresses His infinite, omniscient nature.
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Letters & Conversations

This is a very inspiring article, with an assurance of promise and fulfillment.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.