Are you being manipulated?

The girl in the video seemed to have it all. Flawless skin, shimmering hair, and the perfect body. She attributed her unparalleled radiance to her raw vegan diet, her first-thing-in-the-morning glass of green juice, and the “mushroom elixir” she uses daily. Those commenting on the video spoke enthusiastically of going vegan or ordering the elixir for themselves. “Life-changing,” they said.

Maybe that sounds totally absurd. I might have felt that way, too—except I saw the alarming effects this vlogger (video blogger) had on a teen girl I know. Even though the vlogger’s claims had no factual basis, it didn’t matter. My friend changed her diet and altered her behavior to match whatever this vlogger was doing.

There’s a ton of “information” coming our way that’s subtly (or not so subtly) vying for our attention and manipulating our emotions.

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