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Prayer poised in Principle, not problems

The law of God is eternally fixed. Nothing can interrupt Principle’s health-giving, loving, and restorative power.
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Take a stand for health

Illness is a temporal belief of mortal mind—a supposed mentality opposed to God, good—so its sensations can be faced fearlessly and neutralized with spiritual truth.
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How I found Christian Science
For many years, I tried to get a clearer understanding of God.
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Just love

How can I help?
How can I grow? ...
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It is Christ, Truth, that enables us to see God’s creation—perfect and complete—right where a discordant mortal seems to be, and when we do, it invariably has a healing impact.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
It was hard to let go of the hurt and anger this author felt after another girl stole her best friend. But as she studied Christian Science, she realized that not only could she be healed of these feelings, but she wanted to be.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
In times of doubt, when
   shadows cloud the mind, 
We seek divine Love,
   our guiding Light. 
A beacon in the storm,
   it shines …
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Is there a way to learn to love consistently, in spite of others’ failings?
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
It might seem fun to have two people who like you, but for this author, it meant feeling stuck in the middle and afraid that someone was going to get hurt. A simple idea from Christian Science Sunday School helped her find her footing.
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Sentinel Watch
Elaine Follis wondered if she needed to find someone to love to feel complete. When she turned to God in a moment of loneliness, she learned something about God, divine Love, that was much more fulfilling.
Testimony of Healing

Walking freely again

On the wall of our branch Church of Christ, Scientist, is this wonderful quote from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need.” 
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Testimony of Healing

Divine Love heals pet

While I was praying for my daughter’s cat, my own cat jumped up on my lap looking for affection. This provided a sort of revelation to me. I recognized that the cat, as a creation of God, included purity and innocence.
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Testimony of Healing

Hereditary condition reversed

Over the course of several years, the nail on one of my big toes thickened, hardened, and became discolored.
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Bible Lens


“Royal” law is defined as the law of God’s kingdom—the spiritual mandate to love others.
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Letters & Conversations

How grateful I am to know that I always have my mental closet for communing with God.
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As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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Your own set of keys

Acknowledging Christ may not instantly transport us out of the belief of living in a material universe made up of both good and evil. But it puts the keys to the kingdom of heaven in our hands.
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The perfect model

When a dark, dreary, material view of existence is put before us, we have a choice to make: Are we going to hold in thought to a false, limited, material model or “paint” the enlightened, unlimited, spiritual view?
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Lifted up

The pain was intense, yet I wasn’t afraid. In retrospect, I believe this is because I palpably felt the presence of God’s care; there’s no other explanation.
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Our ever-present reward

I could strive to see work as a natural outcome of the God-given reward that we each carry with us.
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Enjoy this week’s poetic offering.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
After an injury during a hockey game, this teen quickly found himself back on the ice—thanks to prayer.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
In times of doubt, when
   shadows cloud the mind, 
We seek divine Love,
   our guiding Light. 
A beacon in the storm,
   it shines …
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Is there a way to learn to love consistently, in spite of others’ failings?
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
It might seem fun to have two people who like you, but for this author, it meant feeling stuck in the middle and afraid that someone was going to get hurt. A simple idea from Christian Science Sunday School helped her find her footing.
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Sentinel Watch
Elaine Follis wondered if she needed to find someone to love to feel complete. When she turned to God in a moment of loneliness, she learned something about God, divine Love, that was much more fulfilling.
Testimony of Healing

Eyelid problem overcome

It’s taken me some time to know that God loves me and to lean on Him in all things.
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Testimony of Healing

Tax issue resolved

We continued to pray, knowing that under God’s law of harmony, good would prevail and that right ideas would emerge for all to see.
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Testimony of Healing

Quickly restored after accident

To see and understand that God is our life and the basis of our joy is a beautiful new insight that I cherish today.
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A music lesson

Bartok is hard. 
So many notes! 
Symbols of sound 
   o’erwhelm the page ...
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Bible Lens


Christ Jesus directly addresses God as Father in nearly all of his prayers.
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Letters & Conversations

I am so grateful for the sharing of the powerful article “More than just making it through another day” by Pam DeBolt during the current California wildfires.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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The power of love

As we celebrate Dr. King in the United States this week, remembering the tremendous good he accomplished, we rejoice in his proof of the power of genuine love to bring healing and redemption to individuals and to society in general.
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We may feel that our faith is too small and weak, but we can know that whatever faith we have is enough because it comes from God and is supported by Love’s infinite power to heal and bless.
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In all simplicity

At first,
I prayed to know
That God is greater ...
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Staff and rod

The Bible Lesson with its strengthening and inspiring messages continued to accompany me, and every day it was my rod and my staff, leaving me well equipped.
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Image and Inspiration
Corporeal sense, or error, may seem to hide Truth, health, harmony, and Science, as the mist obscures the sun or the mountain; but Science, the sunshine of Truth, will melt away the shadow and reveal the celestial peaks.

—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 299

Protected from wildfire

A sense of peace and comfort came over me as I realized that God’s work is done. This indicated to me how unlikely it was that after creating all these “wondrous works,” God would later create forces that could destroy His “very good” creation. 
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
In times of doubt, when
   shadows cloud the mind, 
We seek divine Love,
   our guiding Light. 
A beacon in the storm,
   it shines …
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Is there a way to learn to love consistently, in spite of others’ failings?
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
It might seem fun to have two people who like you, but for this author, it meant feeling stuck in the middle and afraid that someone was going to get hurt. A simple idea from Christian Science Sunday School helped her find her footing.
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Sentinel Watch
Elaine Follis wondered if she needed to find someone to love to feel complete. When she turned to God in a moment of loneliness, she learned something about God, divine Love, that was much more fulfilling.
I began to wonder about the woman at work. Who was she really, in the true identity that was hidden from our view?
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
Christian Science just wasn’t resonating for this teen, but when things got really tough with friend and boyfriend problems and an injury on the job, she realized it did hold the answers she was looking for.
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Testimony of Healing
Whenever fearful thoughts suggested that my eye was seriously injured, I persisted with my spiritual convictions.
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Testimony of Healing
As I prayed knowing that the one Mind was governing everyone involved, I felt such peace.
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Testimony of Healing
One afternoon, during the early stages of my second pregnancy, I sat down to pray for the child.
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Testimony of Healing

Healing of a burn

I was no longer impressed by the accident, and by relying on this perception of Truth, I felt calm enough to continue with my chores.
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Bible Lens


Hebrew Scripture includes dozens of mentions of God’s “eyes” to describe His omniscience.
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Bible Lens


God’s bountiful mercy is celebrated throughout the Hebrew Bible.
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Letters & Conversations

This editorial is tremendous, hopeful, and so needed right now.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.

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I realized that a closer walk—an hour-by-hour lived connection—with God could lift anyone out of a deep loneliness.
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No silos

We can live life as one seamless whole, bringing to every situation a recognition of the overarching fact of God’s—Love’s—presence.
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I can never be apart
from You 
   or from 
   the love of Christ ...
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God’s goodness, law, and love filled all space, including my consciousness and the very place where the disturbance seemed to be.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
I needed to turn away from a sense of myself as a mortal having too much to do and recognize my true identity as a beloved, cared-for child of God, an ever-present help. 
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I was learning about God’s love for all His creatures. I knew that prayer would help us find Tony, and I was very grateful for that.
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This Week’s Featured Online Content
In times of doubt, when
   shadows cloud the mind, 
We seek divine Love,
   our guiding Light. 
A beacon in the storm,
   it shines …
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Is there a way to learn to love consistently, in spite of others’ failings?
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
It might seem fun to have two people who like you, but for this author, it meant feeling stuck in the middle and afraid that someone was going to get hurt. A simple idea from Christian Science Sunday School helped her find her footing.
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Sentinel Watch
Elaine Follis wondered if she needed to find someone to love to feel complete. When she turned to God in a moment of loneliness, she learned something about God, divine Love, that was much more fulfilling.
Testimony of Healing
I went back to washing the dishes and started thinking about the Comforter, which Jesus promised would lead us into all truth. It was as if sunshine, joy, and intelligence were filling my kitchen.
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Testimony of Healing
I had been believing that I was separated from God and not fully cared for by Him. I saw that I needed to let go of fear and completely trust God’s power. This cleared the way for healing.
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Testimony of Healing

Truth heals stomach pain

As I began to gain ground in my prayers, a thought came: “Ah, but what if this is persistent?” A moment later, as clear as a bell, came this thought from God: “I am more persistent!”
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Bible Lens


Paul unreservedly embraces the gospel as the path to salvation.
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Letters & Conversations

When I read this editorial, I was reminded of how practical Christian Science is and of the blessings that come as we expand our understanding of what that practicality means in its application to healing disease and other erroneous claims.
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Other formats

As a subscriber, you can download any Sentinel issue published within the last 90 days (PDF, eBook, and audio). You can also take a look inside each issue as it originally appeared in print, starting with the very first issue from 1898.